Harriott! (Brooks, Alberta: Griffin Park Theatre, 2004)
Pipe Dream (Brooks, Alberta: Griffin Park Theatre, 2004)
Wh! (Victoria: University of Victoria Department of Theatre, 1995)
Fathers (Victoria: William Head On Stage, 1994)
Prime Target (Red Deer: People & Puppets Incorporated, 1985)
Winston Agonistes (Red Deer: People & Puppets Incorporated, 1984)
Crux (Red Deer: People & Puppets Incorporated, 1983)
Whatever Happened to Saint Joanne? (Edmonton: U. of Alberta Department of Drama, 1982)
The Succubus (Edmonton: University of Alberta Department of Drama, 1981)
Shed (Edmonton: University of Alberta Department of Drama, 1980)
Suicide (Red Deer: Central Alberta Theatre, 1974)
Way to Go, Witigo! (Edmonton: People & Puppets Incorporated, 1972)
Harriott! (Edmonton: People & Puppets Incorporated; Barricade Theatre, 1972)
The Box Beyond (Edmonton: People & Puppets Incorporated, Phoenix Theatre, 1971)
Prometheus Rebound (Edmonton: People & Puppets Incorporated, Barricade Theatre, 1971)
Moil for Gold (Edmonton: People & Puppets Incorporated, 1971)
Pipe Dream (Edmonton: People & Puppets Incorporated, SUB Theatre, University of Alberta 1971)
Perambulance (Peterborough, Ontario: Crestwood Theatre, 1970)
Who Has Seen the Scroll? (Peterborough, Ontario: Crestwood Theatre, 1970)
The School of Night (Peterborough, Ontario: Crestwood Theatre, 1969)