* indicates juried
Halsbury's Laws of Canada - Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Markham: LexisNexis, 2010).
, Criminal Essentials (Markham: LexisNexis Quicklaw, 2010) (online version of Canadian Extradition Law Practice included passim as text).
, Canadian Extradition Law Practice 2009. (soft cover) (Markham: Butterworths LexisNexis, 2009).
Criminal Practice. (Markham: LexisNexis, www.lexisnexis.ca/quicklaw, 2008).
Canadian Extradition Law Practice 2007. (hard cover) (Markham: Butterworths LexisNexis, 2007).
Chief Smallboy: In Pursuit of Freedom (Calgary: Fifth House, 2005).
Extradition Between Canada and the United States* Ardsley, (NY: Transnational/Brill, 2005).
Canadian Extradition Law Practice (Markham, Ont.: Butterworths LexisNexis, 2005).
Leadership: An Anthology (co-editor, M.E.Symons) (Victoria: Royal Roads University, 1998).*
Fundamental Freedoms and Jehovah's Witnesses (Calgary: Univ. of Calgary Press, 1993).*
M. James Penton, University of Lethbridge
Lady of My House and Other Poems (Edmonton: Harden House of Canada, 1986).
The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses (with H. Botting) (Toronto: U. of T. Press, 1984).*
Winston Agonistes (Edmonton: Harden House of Canada, 1984).*
Crux (Edmonton: Harden House of Canada, 1983).*
Freckled Blue and Other Poems (Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1979).*
Lady Godiva on a Plaster Horse (Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1977).*
A William Golding Bibliography (Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1976).*
Thinking As a Hobby: The Novels of William Golding (Edmonton: Harden House, 1975).*
Monomonster in Hell (Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1975)/
Streaking! (Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1974).*
Computer-Assisted Instruction of English as a Second Language (co-authored with Jon Thorhallsen, Lydia Bubba, Jean Dawe) (Red Deer: RDC Press, 1973).*
The Box Beyond (Edmonton: Harden House of Canada, 1972).
Harriott! (Edmonton: Harden House of Canada, 1972).
Perambulance and Pipe Dream: Two Plays (Edmonton: Harden House of Canada, 1972).
Prometheus Rebound: A Dramatic Poem (Edmonton: Harden House of Canada, 1972).
The Theatre of Protest in America (Edmonton: Harden House, 1971).
BumweltS: Poems Written in Sexy '69 (St. Johns: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1969).
Articles, Reviews and Poems
* indicates juried
"The Supreme Court 'Decodes' the Extradition Act: Reading Down the Law in Ferras and Ortega", Queen's Law Journal, Volume 32, Issue 2 (Spring 2007).
"It's All Been Done Before", "Eagles", "The Day We Flew with Eagles", 28 Legal Studies Forum, 1 & 2 (Spring 2004) (publication of the American Legal Studies Association).*
"Alternate Routes", "Small Claims", "Autumn in New York", "Canabanadaman", 27 Legal Studies Forum 1 (Spring 2003).* Read poems online
"Sentencing and Society: International Perspectives" (Review) Law and Politics Book Review, Vol. 12 No. 11 (November 2002)*
"The Kelly Odyssey", The Lawyer's Weekly (20 September 2002), p. 4.
"Extradition, Politics and Human Rights" (Review) Richard Brisbin, ed. The Law and Politics Book Review, vol. 11. No. 5 (May 2001), pp. 223-225*
"Leadership in Lord of the Flies" in Gary Botting and M.E.Symons, eds., Leadership: An Anthology (Victoria: Royal Roads University, 1998).
"Witness Evidence Via Live Video Link in the Canadian Criminal Courtroom", 55 The Advocate 4 (June 1997) 523 (with Hugh Trenchard).*